Ancient North America Fourth Edition
Fully revised and expanded fourth edition with updated. In addition the authors cover such important ethical issues as respecting and working with descendant populations and the need for archaeological.
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The Archaeology of a Continent by Fagan Brian M. Going beyond the stereotypes that so often distort our views of Native Americans this Very Short Introduction offers a historically accurate deeply engaging and often inspiring account of the wide array of Native peoples in America. University of Toronto Press ISBN.
Only 1 left in stock - order soon. Ancient North America Fourth Edition by Brian M. A History to 1763 4th Edition provides updated and revised coverage of the background founding and development of the thirteen English North American colonies.
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Books that provide good overviews of North American archaeology and prehistory include Archaeology of Native North America by Dean Snow 2010. Books that provide good overviews of North American archaeology and prehistory include Archaeology of Native North America by Dean Snow 2010. 0500285322 - ancient north america fourth edition Ancient North America.
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